50 recent changes in Main Web retrieved at 02:21 (Local)

Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
%ADDTOZONE{"head" id="leafletcss" text=" " }% %ADDTOZONE{ "script" text=" "}% %ADDTOZONE{ "script" text=" // create a map of Europe...
Edit this topic to add a description to the !
%ADDTOZONE{ "head" text=" #patternSideBarContents .foswikiUserName a:link, #patternSideBarContents .foswikiUserName a:visited { background:red; color:...
GroupViewTemplate %IF{ "'.GroupViewTemplate' allows 'change' AND 'GroupViewTemplate' = 'BaseGroup' AND 'GroupViewTemplate' = 'NobodyGroup' AND {AdminUser...
Wiki groups dashboard Showing all known groups that can be used to define access controls in JOIN2 Wiki. %TWISTY{ link=" " mode="div" }% ...
Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron (DESY), Hamburg/Zeuten Name pubdb Verwendung OpenAccess Repository Publikationsdatenbank URL http://pubdb.desy.de ...
Research Data Software (POF4 Einstiegsindikator) Detailed instructions can be found in the attachments section in both English and German language. Anleitungen...
Deutsche Version Russian Version POF IV topic This is where you enter all the PoF topic(s) that are relevant to the publication. The primary topic should be list...
English version Report Nummern Bitte fügen Sie Report Nummern hinzu oder nutzen Sie das Import Feld zum automatischen Hinzufügen.
Deutsche Version Report numbers Please add report numbers or use the Import field to import these.
English Version Russian Version POF IV Topic Bitte wählen Sie hier alle für die jeweilige Publikation relevanten POF Topics aus, wobei das federführende Topic an...
English Version Russian Version Relevant for reporting (Relevant für die VDB/für die Berichterstattung) Relevant for RWTH reporting (Relevant für die VDB/für di...
Deutsche Version The following links can be used to view a list of all possible PoF projects: * POF 2 (2009/2010 bis 2013/2014): Topics (these are the on...
English Version GSI Help and Tipps * Tipps Tricks * GSI KOLLABORATIONEN * GSI Projekte/Grants * Forschungsdaten Software (POF4 Einstiegsindikato...
Deutsche Version GSI help and tips * Tips and tricks * GSI COLLABORATIONS * GSI projects/grants * Research Data Software (POF4 Einstiegsindikator)
Deutsche Version Russian Version Subtype This is where you enter the subtype, i.e. to differentiate the document type. For posters, presentations, and non confer...
English Version Russian Version Subtype (Subtyp) Hier wird der Subtype, eine Differenzierung der Dokumentart, eingetragen. Für Poster, Präsentationen und Talks (...
English Version Russian Version Import data Hier werden Nummern aus externen bibliografischen Datenbanken eingetragen, um die Metadaten zur Publikation automati...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Import data You can use this field to enter numbers from external bibliographic databases in order to enable the automatic impo...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Document status and visibility This field shows the status of the "approval for a scientific publication" workflow. A traffic li...
Deutsche Version Russian Version JINR Topical plan / Проблемно тематический план ОИЯИ Научная деятельность ОИЯИ осуществляется на основании ежегодно составляемог...
JDS additional information Это поле используется для учета публикаций в разделах Образовательные ресурсы / Educational collection и/или Издано в ОИЯИ /Published i...
Deutsche Version Russian Version RWTH Aachen University This is where you select the "Peer review" status. Please select the option "Peer reviewed article" if t...
Deutsche Version Russian Version URL Введите URL публикации. Пример: http: //pos.sissa.it/archive/conferences/134/450/EPS HEP2011_450.pdf Если Вам известен URL...
Deutsche Version Russian Version URL *Please enter the URL of the publication here. If a DOI is available, please skip this field. Example: http://pos.sissa.it/...
Deutsche Version English Version Free keywords / Ключевые слова В это поле вводятся ключевые слова, описывающие содержание и тему вашей публикации. Используйте "...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Free keywords You can enter keywords/tags here that describe your publication's content and subject. You can choose which spelli...
English Version Deutsche Version Institutes/Groups/Departments Подразделение В это поле вводится названия организационных единиц (подразделений ОИЯИ), сотрудники...
Deutsche Version Russian version Additional information/general notes This is where you enter additional notes to describe a publication (e.g. "Translated by......
English Version Deutsche Version Journal Title (Название/Заглавие журнала) В это поле вводится название или номер ISSN (например, 1367 2630) журнала, в котором в...
English Version Deutsche Version Experiment В это поле вводится название эксперимента или установки. При вводе система отобразит список возможных названий, из к...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Support by employee This is where you record whether you were assisted by an employee from your institution in working on this p...
English Version Russian Version Institute / Abteilungen / Gruppen / Departments Hier wird der Name der an der Publikation beteiligten Organisationseinheiten eing...
University Enter here the name of the university/college at which the dissertation/postdoctoral thesis/diploma thesis was created. You may add the city and countr...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Classification number This is where you enter the classification number. You can use the following classifications for example: ...
Main.HeikeLexis 30 Jan 2014 English Version Classification number Institutionsspezifische Informationen: DESY Beispiel: Bei einem HASYLAB Antrag tragen Si...
English Version URN Eine URN ist ein direkter und dauerhafter Link zu einem Dokument im Internet. Sie können die URN hier als Link zum Volltext der Publikation v...
Deutsche Version URN A URN is a direct, permanent link to a document on the Internet. You can use the URN as a link to the full text of the publication. RWTH Aa...
English Version Patent application number Tragen Sie hier die Patentanmeldenummer ein. Beispiel: DE10718875.7 Beschreibung Die Anmeldenummer wird der Patentanme...
English Version Patent application number Tragen Sie hier die Patentanmeldenummer ein. Beispiel: DE10718875.7 Beschreibung Die Anmeldenummer wird der Patentanme...
Deutsche Version Patent application number Please enter the patent application number here. Example: DE10718875.7 Description The patent application number is a...
English Version Russian Version Patent application number Tragen Sie hier die Patentanmeldenummer ein. Beispiel: DE10718875.7 Beschreibung Die Anmeldenummer wir...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Patent application number Please enter the patent application number here. Example: DE10718875.7 Description The patent applica...
English Version Deutsche Version Person(s) (Авторы) В это поле вводится информация о всех авторах публикации. А именно: ФИО, учреждение, роль (ответственный авт...
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Topic revision: r3 - 2018-02-26, UnknownUser - This page was cached on 2025-03-12 - 02:21.

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