JOIN² - Just anOther INvenio INstance

JOIN² - a shared repository infrastructure based on the software INVENIO from CERN. It originally stared in July 2010. Project partners are the libraries of Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY (Hamburg/Zeuthen), Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKFZ (Heidelberg), Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen DZNE (Bonn), Forschungszentrum Jülich (Jülich), GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Darmstadt), Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum (Garching), Museum Zitadelle (Jülich), Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen University).

Most scientific institutions use publications databases of some sort to collect and display their output. Besides publications lists on the Web, these can be used together with literature management tools, in grant applications and reporting. Additionally, the administration requires publication lists sorted by complex criteria for evaluation and budgeting.

Invented in the first place to enable and further Open Access to scientific literature, institutional repositories can serve all those needs, if the meta data are detailed enough and complementary bibliographic entries are possible. Striving for an easy to use solution accepted by scientists and adding local, protected working areas for publication exchange, addition of of full texts is encouraged, furthering Open Access as a welcome side effect. Thus, merging publications database and repository allows to exploit synergies to the advantage of all stakeholders.

As of 2022, JOIN² repositories serve more than 28.000 staff members and more than 6.000 local visitors annually on campus. They provide more than 600.000 records, more the 98.000 Open Access publications, as well as nearly 147.000 high quality authority records freely on the Internet. This makes JOIN² one of the larger Invenio users world wide. The -project is open for new partners who want to join the collaboration repository infrastructure.

As a result of the war of Russia against Ukraine, the membership of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINR (Dubna) / Объединенный институт ядерных исследований ОИЯИ (дубна) was suspended as of 01.03.2022.

Contact to the project:
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
OpenAIRE_validated.pngpng OpenAIRE_validated.png manage 5 K 2018-10-10 - 09:36 AlexanderWagner Increase resolution
base_75x29.gifgif base_75x29.gif manage 615 bytes 2016-05-04 - 14:09 AlexanderWagner Bielefeld Academci Search Engine Logo
orcid_16x16.gifgif orcid_16x16.gif manage 1 K 2017-11-08 - 15:52 RobertThiele  
orcid_64x64.gifgif orcid_64x64.gif manage 1 K 2017-11-08 - 15:42 RobertThiele ORCiD Symbol
wikilogos.pngpng wikilogos.png manage 34 K 2015-02-18 - 09:58 KatrinGrosse  
wikiscreens.pngpng wikiscreens.png manage 107 K 2015-02-18 - 09:58 KatrinGrosse overviewscreenshots
Topic revision: r61 - 2023-08-09, StefanHesselbach - This page was cached on 2024-10-21 - 15:57.

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