RWTH Aachen University

0. What’s New? The Most Important Information First of All…

The Name

The publication database and publication server are a thing of the past; we are now called RWTH Publications.

The Application We have developed these offerings further and created a new platform in cooperation with the Jülich Research Centre as part of JARA. CERN, DESY and GSI are also involved in the development partnership with their corresponding competence centres.

A One-Stop Shop

As of now, you can now publish, document, carry out searches and manage internal documents quickly and easily under one interface.

Easier Entry

Another aspect of the new system is that it is now easier to enter information. If your publication has an identifier, for example, a DOI or an ISBN, after this has been entered, key data relating to your publication is automatically detected and imported.

More Document Types

The list of document types has been geared to current requirements and extended considerably. The public, however, will not be able to view all information. Some document types are intended exclusively for your internal document management.

-- EdWo - 13 May 2016 * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = InvenioGroup
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-05-13, EdWo - This page was cached on 2025-03-12 - 02:31.

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