Relevant for VDB/Relevant for Reporting

The selection you make here specifies whether the publication is relevant for the publications database (VDB) of your institution.

If you select “yes”, the entry will be visible worldwide in the publications database and in scientific reports. Only publications marked as relevant for VDB are referenced in evaluations, annual reports, or websites, and processed by the editorial team.

If you select “no”, then the entry will be added to one of the following public or private collections beyond the publications database (VDB), dependent on the choice you make:

  • Do not select a “special collection” if you only want to add the publication to your personal institute collection.
  • If you select the special collection “Publication list/Vita”, you can enter your earlier publications from other institutions, which allows you to completely manage and export your own publications list. Your entry will be publicly visible worldwide.
  • By selecting the special collection “Coordinated Projects”, you can add the publication to your coordinated project or grant, ensuring that all publications belonging to a project can be managed and exported in their entirety. Your entry will be publicly visible worldwide.

  • Do not select a “special collection” if you only want to add the publication to your personal institute collection.
  • If you select the special collection “Publication list/Vita”, you can enter your earlier publications from other institutions, which allows you to completely manage and export your own publications list. Your entry will be publicly visible worldwide.
  • By selecting the special collection “Coordinated Projects”, you can add the publication to your coordinated project or grant, ensuring that all publications belonging to a project can be managed and exported in their entirety. Your entry will be publicly visible worldwide.
  • Select the special collection “Public Reference” in order to enter metadata on unpublished conference presentations, examination papers, etc.
Topic revision: r13 - 2021-07-01, IrinaFilozova - This page was cached on 2025-03-11 - 15:54.

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