Guide - Publikationsbeauftragte / Redakteure

Login at the right corner at the JOIN2 installation

GSI : Please login with your WebLogin/PROZ account here

Your Tasks in General

Please ask yourself these questions to every publication of your revision list. Go to detailed record of every entry of your revision list and click modify:
  • Does this publication belongs to the research of your department which should be part of the publication database of the GSI (VDB-relevant)? In the case of yes, check if VDB-relevant is chosen and go on. If no, change e.g. VDB-relevant or/and delete your department entry etc..
  • Is your department the main inhouse-contributor of this publication? In this cases your insitute/department should be in the first place at the institute/department list. Otherwise change the order.
  • Is your department the only inhouse contributor of this publication? If no, check if other departments are missing in the list and add them. Look at the author's list to see the abbrevations and names of institutes/departments.
  • Are all funding information (Nachwuchsgruppen, EU projects, POF3 codes, experiment proposal numbers, HIC4FAIR, SUC (strategic university cooperations ...) complete and correct? Please add or correct in the the grant and the POF-3 fields.
  • Have a short look at the author's assignments: Are there false assignments e.g. to administrative staff with same names?

If you think everything is fine, please select the button "Finish & Release". E.g. the next day this entry will no longer on your revision list.

In cases of more than one department it could be that another department of the list was faster than you and record is in the VDB already. In this case check the data and in cases your want a correction click on "Request a correction". The department library & documentation will then mediate.

Please look at this page also:

How to find your revision list

Go to "Your Account", "Your Baskets", "Personal baskets", "Editorial Work" and to "Revision List".

The image shows how to find your list of entries to finish and release:


Then click on details or the title of the entry:


Go to the right corner at the bottom of the page and click on "Modify this record":


After your tasks you can click on "Finish & Release":


When the entries are visible in the VDB

When you have done your task the record goes further in the workflow. And it is visible in the tasks for library & documentation here:

After the library & documentation step the record will visible in the publication database (VDB):

Who is allowed to make entries for the departments' workflows?

Everybody with a WebLoginAccount can make entries for the departments' workflows by enterin an department in the institute/department field. -- KatrinGrosse - 03 May 2016
Topic revision: r3 - 2017-01-12, KatrinGrosse - This page was cached on 2025-03-12 - 02:14.

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