Tips and tricks

* General:
Board of Directors' resolution: (login credentials required); Video: (login credentials required); Help page on submitting entries:, If you have any queries, please contact

* Steps to be completed when submitting publications:
1. Import your data via DOI/INSPIRE/PubMedID, etc.
2. In the PoF III field, enter the PoF III code (e.g. 612 for NUSTAR) (for certain statistics, the first entry is the most important one; multiple PoF III codes are permitted)
3. Assign the author based on the information contained in the publication (see next point)
4. Enter any GSI grants: This includes EU projects, Young Investigators Group projects involving large-scale equipment, PSP codes, strategic university cooperation agreements, experiment proposal numbers. For more information on GSI grants, see:
5. If you need to reuse content for a website, etc., please contact

* Assigning a person's name:
IMPORTANT: 1. Please always enter the GSI affiliation based on the information contained in the publication (regardless of whether or not the person is paid by GSI)
2. The list of names contained in the drop-down menu are suggestions. Please check that the name is correct before you select it!
For example, you should never enter select "Varentsova, Marina" if the author is "Marin, A."!
Instead, select "Edit", enter a blank space, and then select "Marin, W. -> Marin, W. DIVISIONXY". 3. What if there is another suggested first name? Or if a suggested department is incorrect?
Go to "Edit" and enter a blank space; this will display additional names or an external list of entries for selection.

* Assigning institutes:
The first institute that you enter is saved as the primary institute for the publication. The other GSI departments involved should then be entered after. The abbreviations of the departments can be obtained from the list of proposed names. If, based on their affiliations, the authors belong to HIJ, HIM, or EMMI, then HIJ, HIM, and EMMI should be entered as the standard GSI departments.

* Where possible, enter data via the DOI import function:
If you have a DOI identifier for a publication, please use the DOI import function wherever possible. This will also save you a lot of work.

* Warnings about duplication:
Please do not ignore warnings about possible duplication, and do not create duplicate records. Instead, click on the link that is displayed with the duplication warning message and check whether any of the data in your entry should be changed.

* Missing publications:
In accordance with the Board of Directors' resolution of 16 July 2013, the departments are responsible for ensuring that entries are complete. This means that you must check with the relevant people in your department! As a rule, all GSI employees can submit entries. These entries must then be released for the publications database by publication support staff.

* First name missing from a person's record:
Please contact HR.

* Nuclides, chemical formulas, etc.:
For the lists for scientific reports, and for BibTeX exports, for example, you can write the nuclides and chemical formulas in the titles: $^{238}U$, $ZrO_2$ or $\beta$-decay

* * Doctoral theses:*
Where possible, always search for the URN, e.g. using You should also enter the URN at the very bottom of the form. Sample URNs: urn:nbn:de:gbv:27-20140211-112119-0 urn:nbn:de:hebis:77-31500 Reviewers can also be entered as authors. Using the icon with the person on it, you can assign the reviewer the role of "Thesis advisor" instead of "Corresponding author".

* Publications relating to beam-time experiments conducted at GSI by external non-GSI scientists:
For institutes, select "External institute",
set "Supported by GSI/Usage of GSI facilities" to "Yes", and for grants, select the corresponding experiment using beam time.

* Tips for repeated use of lengthy collaboration lists
By way of example, enter ALICE once. Then for the record that you have entered, click on "Export as author list with IDs". Open the resulting list:

Nachname1, V. [P:(DE-HGF)0] ; Nachname2, V [P:(DE-Ds200)XX] ; ...

Copy the content, and then for any new records, simply paste the list of authors into the "Authors" field.

* PoF input field:
To close the drop-down menu in the PoF input field, place your cursor in the field and press the ESC key. Clicking into another field or elsewhere on the form is not sufficient to close this drop-down menu.

* * Programme-related research:*
For PoF, select "899 ohne Topic (PoF2: 2009-2014)"

* Issues assigning a person with multiple first names:
If there are first names missing from a person's record please contact

* Previous data input method:
Separate submission forms are currently in development. Please enter data for the PoF II period only.

* Journal not available:
In this case, please enter a different journal and let the library know ( (upload email and information about the missing journal title).

* Import errors
Depending on the quality of the data, import errors resulting from missing information may occur in a small number of cases. This missing information will need be entered manually afterwards.

* Saving draft versions:
If you need to check something with an author (e.g. in relation to the experiment number or funding), you can use the "Postpone" option to save a draft of the record and finish it at a later stage.

* Additional information about projects, research programmes, and collaborations:
Information about project leaders and project descriptions of research projects, etc. are required. The relevant project leader can send the required information to, after which it will be available for public viewing.

Joint research: Since GSI does not receive any funding from joint research, please enter the abbreviation corresponding to the joint research project under "Additional information". This will enable others to search for it.

* Output formats: E.g., EndNote: HE; Reference Manager: HR; BibTeX: HX; Refworks: Refworks; NLM: NLM; RSS: RSS; publication list format: GSBHTM, DESYNT, GSBHTM, GSBNT, detailed view: HD; international standard formats: MARC, MARCXML, MODS

* General queries:

* Technical queries:
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-10-21, KatrinGrosse - This page was cached on 2025-03-12 - 02:14.

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