Author's agreement

The author's agreement can be downloaded here in PDF format. Please send the completed and signed author's agreement to the library. The author's agreement ensures that your copyright as an author remains protected if the submission is published. With this agreement, you transfer the non-exclusive right of use to the university to make your work available online for an indefinite period. Publishing the work via the publication server is not an obstacle to further publication of the work in journals or monographs or on other servers.

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Documents that are stored on the publication server may be copied, printed, and cited for research purposes and for private use (Section 53 of the German Act on Copyright and Related Rights (UrhG)). The name of the author or rightsholder must be mentioned. Any other use of the documents, including parts and excerpts, is expressly forbidden without the prior consent of the copyright holder. Authors may attach open content licences (e.g. a CC licence or DPPL licence) to their works. Licences create transparency, clarity, and legal certainty. With the help of such licenses, authors can grant rights of use to publications individually, and thus transparently outline to users how a work can be reused.

If you would like an open access licence, please write a short note in the "Internal note to library staff" field.
Topic revision: r3 - 2020-08-31, ManuelFormela - This page was cached on 2025-03-13 - 18:45.

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