R&D project (POF IV)
POF: Topic/Research Theme/Facility
In the menu, select the R&D/POF project
POF: Topic/Research Theme/Facility
for the next funding period (2021 to 2025).
https://invenio-wiki.gsi.de/foswiki/bin/view/Main/POFLists provides an overview of all topics, programmes, and research fields.
To see a shorter list, enter part of the name of the
R&D/POF project
POF: Topic/Research Theme/Facility
Please note that in POF III, a clear distinction is made between whether you/your colleagues perform measurements yourselves (“in-house research” = Performance Category I = PC I) or whether you operate and make available an instrument for colleagues from other institutions (“user operation” = Performance Category II = PC II). Lists are available of all POF III topics in
PCI and
When to assign which of these categories?
- If you or your colleagues perform your own research, select at least one topic from PC I.
- If you/your colleagues support external users of your instruments, this is referred to as user operation and is therefore PC II. Select the appropriate topic from PC II. Since you/your colleagues do not perform your own research, do not select a PC I topic here. For those who operate these instruments, this means that they are assigned publications for making available the necessary infrastructure. In the future, this will also count in the evaluation, which is relevant for decisions regarding funding for instruments/operation.
- You/your colleagues perform your own research using your own instruments. This means that there is one PC I topic and one PC II topic, i.e. for the instrument used.
Publications that are entered into the database and cannot be assigned to a
R&D/POF project
POF: Topic/Research Theme/Facility
should be assigned “ohne Topic” (number 899).