This is where you enter the name of the university where the dissertation/thesis was written and submitted, as printed on the publication.
If you do not have the printed dissertation/thesis to hand, please enter the formal name of the university as it is found on the university's website, or use one of the names from the list of examples.
- RWTH Aachen University
- Technical University of Darmstadt
- Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
- Goethe University Frankfurt
- Justus Liebig University Giessen
- Heidelberg University
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- University of Münster
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- University of Bonn
Enter the name of the university where the dissertation/thesis was written, followed by a comma, then add the city; if applicable, you can also enter the country in brackets.