
Publication types

You can select the publication type(s) here.

See below for a list of all publication types. Please contact us if you have works that fall under the publication types listed here but for which there is no corresponding input form.

  • Abstract
  • Award
  • Bachelor thesis
  • Book
  • Communication
  • Conference/event
  • Conference presentation
  • Contribution to a book
  • Contribution to conference proceedings
  • Coursework
  • Record
  • Diploma thesis *Dissertation/PhD thesis
  • Form/template
  • Postdoctoral thesis (non-German habilitation)
  • Images
  • Internal report
  • Journal article
  • Journal issue
  • Lecture
  • Magister thesis
  • Master's thesis
  • Minutes
  • Multimedia
  • News
  • Notes
  • Patent
  • Physical object
  • Poster
  • Preprint
  • Proceedings
  • Project
  • Reference
  • Report
  • Review
  • Software
  • German "Staatsexamen"
  • Talk (non-conference)
  • Website


  • Journal article: An article in a journal. Works published in special issues are also listed under this document type.
  • Contribution to conference proceedings: Works that have been published in full within a conference proceeding. For abstracts, please select the document type "Abstract". For presentation slides, please select the document type "Conference presentation" (see also "Posters").
  • Review: Critique or discussion that relates to a certain item (books, films, images, or other works, e.g. exhibitions and conferences). Please do not submit reviews unless you are the author. If you are submitting a collection of reviews, enter "Review collection" in the "Additional information" field to notify the library staff.


  • Book: A monograph, published independently or as part of a series. Please select the role you had in creating the monograph (author, editor, translator, illustrator, etc.). If you have published a special issue of a journal as the editor, please choose this document type as well.
  • Proceedings: A complete record of a conference or convention for which you are the editor. Please select the role "Editor" in the "Person(s)" field.
  • Contribution to a book: Works that are published as part of a book (book chapters and contributions to commemorative publications, etc.).
  • Reference: A reference work (e.g. a dictionary, an encyclopaedia, or a compendium, among other things) for which you are the editor. Please select the role "Editor" in the "Person(s)" field.
  • Contribution to conference proceedings: Works that have been published in full within a conference proceeding. For abstracts, please select the document type "Abstract". For presentation slides, please select the document type "Conference presentation" (see also "Posters").
  • Review: Critique or discussion that relates to a certain item (books, films, images, or other works, e.g. exhibitions and conferences). Please do not submit reviews unless you are the author. If you are submitting a collection of reviews, enter "Review collection" in the "Additional information" field to notify the library staff.


  • Contribution to conference proceedings: Works that have been published in full within a conference proceeding. For abstracts, please select the document type "Abstract". For presentation slides, please select the document type "Conference presentation" (see also "Posters").
  • Conference presentation: Presentation slides, manuscripts, and videos etc., that were created for a presentation given in the context of a conference. Please select "Talk" for lectures that were given at events other than conferences (see below).
  • Talk (non-conference): Published presentation slides, manuscripts, or similar documents that were created for a presentation that was not given in the context of a conference or convention. If you have not yet published these works, you can use the university library's publication server any time, quickly and easily.
  • Poster: Presentation media used to display scientific information in the context of conventions, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
  • Lecture: Published documents that you have created for teaching purposes, e.g. lecture print-outs, manuscripts, etc. If you have not yet published these works, you can use the university library's publication server at any time, quickly and easily.


  • Internal report: Select this document type for reports and similar texts that are NOT intended for publication. Please note that you can post and manage these reports in the form of separate, internal collections on our server. Set the "Relevant for reporting" status to "No".
  • Report: Scientific, statistical, or technical reports that relate to an institute, faculty, or project or research project. Reports are specifically identified by a report number. Please note that we only record published reports.


  • Patent: The officially issued industrial property right for an invention. When submitting this type of document, the officially issued patent is required to create the definitive, final entry. When you are submitting the published patent application initially, enter the words "Publication of the patent application" in the field "Internal note to library staff". The library staff then assigns the subtype "Publication of the patent application" based on this information. The Center of Patents and Standards, located in the library, automatically notifies the library staff that the patent has been issued. The entry is then amended accordingly by the library staff, the subtype "Publication of the patent application" is removed, and the patent number and year of publication are adjusted. Tip: For German patents, if the letter "C" is added to the patent number, this indicates that the patent has been issued, while the letter "A" indicates that the patent application has been published. Please note: There is a period of 18 months between the filing of a patent application and its publication. Please do not submit patents until they have been published in the form of a patent application.

Other resources

  • Abstract: Synopsis or summary of a scientific article or work.
  • Event: Here you can enter events that you organized and held at RWTH Aachen University or as part of your scientific work at RWTH.
  • News: News items that have been published in newspapers, news tickers, or online blogs.
  • Preprint: Preprint version of an article or work intended for publication that will be submitted for review. In terms of the bibliography, and sometimes the content as well, this version is significantly different from the version that will be published later. Preprints have not (yet) been through the peer-review process.
  • Website: An online presence (as a set of hypertext documents). Websites are an essential part of scientific communication and are also used as references, e.g. by virtual specialized libraries. For websites that you have developed and maintained over a number of years, one entry can be submitted per year.
Topic revision: r2 - 2020-08-31, ManuelFormela - This page was cached on 2025-03-12 - 02:38.

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