
This is where you enter all the persons involved or who collaborated on the publication.

The fields contain information on the person(s) involved in the submission, i.e. name, institution, and role or function, e.g. corresponding author, editor, etc.

Manually entering person(s)


Please enter the names (surname and first name) of all persons involved. If possible, from the list of suggestions, select the person's actual name, preferably an entry that includes the email address and institution.

Automatic suggestions during the importing process

Names assigned during the import of data are automatically generated suggestions. These results will not always be accurate. You must check, correct, and confirm these suggestions. Particular attention must be paid to names underlined in red. This could indicate that different people have very similar names, or that the wrong institution may have been assigned. If the imported data contains person IDs that are also present in our database, the names will appear in black and will automatically be correctly linked. Since publication lists are created using this data, it is very important that the publication is assigned to the correct person(s). You must ensure that all persons are correctly assigned. Please confirm that the assignment is correct by clicking on the tick mark (not applicable to RWTH Aachen University) or click on the "Edit" icon to open a window in which you can correct the entry. Please repeat this process for all persons listed.

Editing and deleting


If you wish to make a change, click on the icon on the right and an editing window will open. There, you can correct names, change roles, and select an institution.

If you wish to remove a name, click on the X on the far right.

If the name chosen does NOT correspond to the form of the name as printed on the publication, please enter the name as printed on the publication in the field available for notes to the library. If a name is obviously spelled incorrectly, please enter this information in the field available for notes to the library.


Name as printed on the publication: Doe, J. You select: Doe, John

If the suggestion list does not include the actual form of the person's name, please select the name and the note "External". Please also add the form of the name as printed on the publication in the field available for notes to the library.

Note: You must assign a person here, i.e. even if an author is not yet or no longer in your institution, the correct entry for a person must be selected, with the correct email address, for example. You must then select the correct institution – "External" in this case.

Please retain the order of names as printed on the publication since it may indicate to what extent a person contributed to the publication.

By default, all persons involved are initially assigned the role of "Author". You can change the role in the pop-up dialogue that appears once you select the correct name. Please also remember to assign the correct "Corresponding author". If a role is incorrect, please open the editing window by double-clicking on the corresponding icon and selecting the correct role.


  • If you paste a list of names in the format "First name surname, first name surname" or "Surname, first name; surname, first name" into the first "Person(s)" field, the system will try to divide them up in a reasonable way and provide likely suggestions.
  • If you delete the entire list of names by accident, simply re-enter the DOI into the import field and you will be able to see the assigned persons again.



A person, group, or organization that is responsible for creating an architectural drawing including a visual representation that is suitable for showing how a building will look when it is finished. The person, group, or organization also supervises the construction of the building.


A person, group, or organization that is responsible for creating a work with primarily textual content, regardless of media type (e.g. printed text, spoken word, electronic text, tactile text) or genre (e.g. poems, novels, scripts, blogs). The role should also be used for persons who create a new work by reformulating, rewriting, or adapting the works of other intellectual creators in such a way that the character and content of the original or external form have been fundamentally changed.

Author collaboration

A group of people that act as one author.

Corresponding author

A person, group, or organization that takes on the role of an author and serves as a contact for questions, etc.


A person, group, or organization that is responsible for contributing to the resource. This includes those whose work has contributed to a larger work, for example an anthology, a serial publication, or another collection of individual works. If a specific role is available, e.g. editor or illustrator, this should be selected.


A person, group, or organization that contributes to a resource by reworking or annotating the content, e.g. by adding an introduction, notes, or other important information. An editor can also a prepare a resource for production, publication or distribution. Under "Author", you will find information on important revisions and adaptations etc., that fundamentally change the nature and content of the original work, leading to a new work.

First author

A person, group, or organization that takes on the role of an author and whose name is at the top of the list of authors.

Guest author

A person, group, or organization that takes on the role of an editor and has been invited to do so as a guest.


A person, group, or organization that is honoured by a work or object (e.g. the recipient to whom a commemorative publication is awarded or a person to whom a copy of a work is presented).


A person, group, or organization that is responsible for creating or providing a resource by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, poll-taker, or some other role involving information gathering.


A person, group, or organization that is responsible for or contributes to the creation of a resource, as an interviewer, reporter, poll-taker, or some other role involving information gathering.


A person, group, or organization that is responsible for creating a new device or process.

Last author

A person, group, or organization that takes on the role of an author and whose name is at the bottom of the list of authors.


A person or organization that carries out the work, i.e. the name of a person or organization that is associated with the intellectual content of the work. This role does not include the publisher, the personal affiliation, or sponsor, unless they are also the corporate copyright owner.


A person, group, or organization that is responsible for the creation of a photographic work.

Publishing director

A person or organization that supervises the preparation of a collective work, to ensure its coherence or continuity. This includes editors-in-chief, literary editors, and editors of series, etc.


A person or organization that develops the framework for the creation of a resource without being intellectually responsible for its content.

Responsible party

A person or organization that is legally responsible for the content of the published material.


A person or organization that is responsible for reviewing a book, film, or performance, etc.

Thesis advisor

A person under whose supervision a candidate develops and submits a doctoral thesis or other academic examination paper.


A person or organization that translates a text from one language into another or from an older form of a language into the modern form.
Topic revision: r18 - 2021-06-30, IrinaFilozova - This page was cached on 2025-03-13 - 08:07.

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