Detailed topic list for Main Web

Results from Main web retrieved at 17:41 (Local)

Deutsche Version Russian Version Multimedia Content and works that consist of multiple types of media, mostly digital, such as text, photographs, graphics, anima...
Deutsche Version Multimedia = Мультимедиа Данные, или конткнт, которые представляются одновременно в разных формах: звук, анимированная компьютерная графика, вид...
English Version Russian Version News = Nachricht Nachricht, die in Zeitschriften, Newstickern oder Blogs im Internet veröffentlicht wurde.
Deutsche Version Russian Version News News items that have been published in newspapers, news tickers, or online blogs.
Deutsche Version English Version News / Новости Сообщение, опубликованное в средсвах массовой информации: журналах, новостных лентах или блогах в Интернете.
Used to prevent dangerous actions e.g. renaming put NobodyGroup as the only group allowed to rename a topic and it can't be renamed.
English Version Notes = Anmerkungen Zusatz zu einer Textstelle, der nicht in den Text integriert ist, sondern typografisch von ihm so abgesetzt ist, dass er eine...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Notes Supplementary material to a passage of a text that is not integrated into the text, but rather is set off typographically ...
Deutsche Version English Version Notes / Примечания Дополнение к отрывку текста, которое не интегрировано в текст, но типографически отделено от него таким образ...
The OfficeLocations topic has a list of all your offices. * SanJoseOffice * LondonOffice * TokyoOffice (This is an example of corporate intranet use and is for...
Deutsche Version Document types * Abstract * Additional information/general notes * Authors(s) and other contributor(s) * Classification number ...
Document types * Abstract * Additional information/general notes * Authors(s) and other contributor(s) * Classification number * Conference acronym...
English Version Dokumenttypen * Abstract * Additional information/general notes * Authors(s) and other contributor(s) * Classification number * ...
Deutsche Version The following links can be used to view a list of all possible PoF projects: * POF 2 (2009/2010 bis 2013/2014): Topics (these are the on...
English Version Um eine Liste aller möglichen POF Projekte zu bekommen können folgende URLs benutzt werden: * POF 2 (2009/2010 bis 2013/2014): * Topics, ...
English Version Russian Version Patent = Patent Hoheitlich erteiltes gewerbliches Schutzrecht für eine Erfindung. Bei dieser Dokumentart ist das erteilte Patent ...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Patent The officially issued industrial property right for an invention. When submitting this type of document, the officially i...
Deutsche Version Patent = Патент Патент − документ, который дает исключительное право его владельцу на изобретение, промышленный образец, полезную модель или сел...
* Name: Peter Thoeny * Email: Peter #64; * Comment: Peter is the author of TWiki and therefore a TWiki:Codev/CoreTeam member. See home page at TWi...
English Version Russian Version Ph.D. Thesis = Doktorarbeit Das Ph.D. Studium ist ein wissenschaftliches Forschungsdoktorat und der häufigste Doktorgrad in engli...
Deutsche Version Russian Version PhD thesis A PhD course is a scientific research doctorate. It is the most common doctoral degree in English speaking countries....
Deutsche Version English Version PhD thesis Научная докторская степень, распространенная степень в англоязычных странах.
English Version Physical Object = Physikalisches Objekt Metadaten eines physikalisch vorkommenden Objekts (z.B. eines Gemäldes).
Deutsche Version Russian Version Physical object Metadata relating to a physical object (e.g. a painting).
Deutsche Version English Version Physical object / Физический объект Метаданные, относящиеся к физическому объекту (например, картине).
English Version Poster = Poster Präsentationsmedium, das wissenschaftliche Inhalte im Rahmen von Tagungen, Kongressen, Messen o. Ä. präsentiert.
Deutsche Version Russian Version Poster Presentation media that is used to display scientific information in the context of conventions, conferences, exhibition...
Deutsche Version Poster = Постер Стендовый доклад или постер — это одна из наиболее популярных форм участия в современных конференциях и различного рода презент...
English Version Russian Version Preprint = Vorabdruck Vorabdruck eines zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehenen Artikels oder Beitrags in der zur Begutachtung eingereic...
Deutsche Version Russian Version Preprint Preprint version of an article or work intended for publication that will be submitted for review. In terms of the bib...
Deutsche Version Preprint = Препринт Предпечатная подготовка статьи или статьи, предназначенной для публикации, в версии, представленной для оценки. Библиографич...
English Version Russian Version Proceedings = Konferenzband Herausgeberschaft eines kompletten Konferenz /Tagungsbandes.
Deutsche Version English Version Proceedings A complete record of a conference or convention for which you are the editor.
Deutsche Version Proceedings = Труды конференции Сборник трудов конференции.
Project Contributor Not an actual user of this site, but a person devoting some of his/her time to contribute to the Foswiki Open Source project. ProjectContribut...
English Version Russian Version Project = Projekt Ein beginnendes, laufendes oder auch ein abgeschlossenes (Forschungs )Projekt.
Deutsche Version Russian Version Project A (research) project that is commencing, in progress, or completed.
Deutsche Version Russian Version Project / Проект Исследовательский проект
PubMed PubMed comprises more than 21 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include link...
A very detailed publication list might look like this: * Journal Artikel * ISI referiert (Typ: Journal Article StatID: JCR) * WOS referiert ...
English Version Publikationen des JOIN² Projekts Im Rahmen des Projekts sind einige Publikationen, Poster und Vorträge entstanden die hier zusammengefaßt sind. D...
Deutsche Version JOIN² project publications A number of publications, posters, and presentations were created as part of the project; these are summarized below....
Login DESY User: * Log in to pubdb using you Windows/U*IX login DOOR User * Log in to DOOR using your DOOR Id and password * Scroll down to After Bea...
Russian Version Reference = Nachschlagewerk Herausgeberschaft eines Nachschlagewerkes (z.B. Lexikon, Enzyklopädie, Handbuch o. ä.).
Reference Editorship of a reference work (e.g. lexicon, encyclopedia, manual or similar). Please select the role "Editor" in the person field.
English version Deutsche Version Reference = Справочник Издание, содержащее краткие сведения научного, общественно политического, прикладного или бытового харак...
The RegistrationAgent User This is a user used by Foswiki when it registers new users. This user has special access to write to , and does not need an entry i...
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Topic revision: 2018-02-26, UnknownUser
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