English Version Deutsche Version Support by Employee (Участие в подготовке материала) В этом поле указывается, была ли работа, описанная в данной публикации, вып...
Deutsche Version Special collections This is where the applicable special collection can be entered for entries for which the "Relevant for VDB" status was set t...
English Version Special Collections Hier wird bei Einträgen, die mit "Relevant for VDB no" gekennzeichnet sind, die jeweilige Special Collection eingetragen. ...
Wiki Administrator User The AdminUser allows you to login without needing to register a user, or to temporarily login as AdminUser using the password set in confi...
Deutsche Version Author's agreement The author's agreement can be downloaded here in PDF format. Please send the completed and signed author's agreement to the l...
English Version Autorenvertrag (Author's agreement) Hier kann der Autorenvertrag in Form eines PDF heruntergeladen werden. Bitte schicken Sie den ausgefüllten un...
Bachelor thesis A scientific thesis completed at the end of a bachelor’s study course. Publication of a bachelor thesis is only possible with the agreement of the...
Book A monograph, published independently or as part of a series. Please select the role you had in creating the monograph (author, editor, translator, illustrato...
Russian Version Conference Presentation = Konferenzpräsentation Vortragsfolien, Manuskripte, Videos o.ä. Unterlagen, die für einen Vortrag im Rahmen einer Konfe...
Conference presentation Presentation slides, manuscripts, videos or similar. Documents prepared for a presentation at a conference. Please enter any presentation ...
Deutsche Version Conference Presentation = Презентация доклада на конференции Слайды лекций, рукописи, видео и т. д. Документы, которые были созданы для выступле...
Russian Version Contribution to a book = Beitrag zu einem Buch Beiträge, die als Teil eines Buches publiziert wurden (Buchkapitel, Beiträge in Festschriften und ...
Deutsche Version Contribution to a book = Публикация как часть книги Составная часть книги (статья из книги, статья из собрания сочинений, статья из энциклопедии...
Russian Version Contribution to a conference proceedings = Konferenzbeitrag (InProceedings) Beiträge, die als Langfassung innerhalb einer Konferenzveröffentlichu...
Contribution to conference proceedings Works that have been published in full within a conference proceeding. For abstracts, please select the document type "Abst...
Deutsche Version Contribution to a conference proceedings = Статья в сборнике трудов конференции Полнотекстовая версия статьи по итогам представления доклада на...
Data set A group of data fields with related content (relating to a single object). Research data indicate (digital) data which is created during a research proce...
Diploma thesis A scientific thesis completed at the end of a degree study course. Examination theses such as master’s, bachelor’s, Diploma, Magister and State Exa...