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Russian Version Website = Webseite (ehemals Netzpublikation) Präsenz im WWW (als Satz von Hypertext Dokumenten). Webseiten sind ein wesentlicher Teil der wisse...
Website Presence on the world wide web (as a set of hypertext documents). Websites are an essential part of scientific communication and are also referenced, e.g....
Deutsche Version Website = Веб сайт Информационная единица глобальной информационной системы WWW, ресурс, представляющий собой набор веб страниц (документов), о...
Deutsche Version RWTH Aachen University 0. What’s New? The Most Important Information First of All… The Name The publication database and publication server are...
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WoS Web of Science Web of Science ® provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databa...